@misc{10025, author = {Sten Amundsen and Frank Eliassen}, title = {Combined Resource and Context Model for QoS-Aware Mobile Middleware}, abstract = {Mobile computing systems are increasingly difficult to configure, operate, and manage. To reduce operation and maintenance cost plus meet user{\textquoteright}s expectation with respect to QoS, the computing system and its building blocks should be self-managed. When addressing the challenges associated with architecting self-managed mobile computing systems, one must take a holistic view on QoS management and the heterogonous entities in the mobile environment. This paper presents a novel model that combines resources and context elements. It helps us in modelling the environment and design resource and context managers that support functions for adapting the application to changes in the environment. The model is applied on a video streaming application for mobile terminals: i) resource and context elements are classified, ii) their QoS characteristics and context properties are modelled, and iii) weakly integrated resource and context managers are presented and validated.}, year = {2006}, journal = {19th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems}, pages = {84-98}, month = {March}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag GmbH}, editor = {Werner Grass and Bernhard Sick and Klaus Waldschmidt}, }