@misc{10043, author = {Wladimir Palant and Carsten Griwodz and P{\r a}l Halvorsen}, title = {Evaluating Dead Reckoning Variations With a Multi-Player Game Simulator}, abstract = {One of the most difficult tasks when creating an online multi-player game is to provide the players with a consistent view of the virtual world despite the network delays. Most current games use prediction algorithms to achieve this, but usually it does not go beyond applying the DIS dead reckoning algorithm proposed in the mid-90s. In this paper we introduce a simulator called GLS that allows us to evaluate different aspects of DIS and its variations. We examine the impact of prediction and clock synchronization on game consistency. We also evaluate the convergence algorithm we introduce here. Furthermore we look into ways for compensating increasing delays to keep the player{\textquoteright}s view of the game state sufficiently consistent with other players.}, year = {2006}, journal = {Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 2006)}, pages = {20-25}, publisher = {ACM Press}, isbn = {1-59593-285-2}, editor = {Brian Levine and Mark Claypool}, }