@misc{10061, author = {Mourad Alia and Frank Eliassen and Svein Hallsteinsen and Erlend Stav}, title = {MADAM: Towards a Flexible Planning-Based Middleware (extended Abstract)}, abstract = {By exploiting software components, component frameworks and architectural reflection, the European IST project MADAM aims to overcome the complexity of developing mobile context-aware adaptive systems. The MADAM middleware defines a domain and platform-independent flexible reference architecture that supports dynamic reconfiguration of both applications and the middleware itself. Furthermore it implements flexible context monitoring, adaptation planning and dynamic reconfiguration frameworks that embodies much of the complex logic of dynamic adaptation.}, year = {2006}, journal = {ICSE 2006 Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), May 21-22, 2006, Shanghai, China}, pages = {96-96}, month = {May}, publisher = {ACM Press}, isbn = {1-59593-403-0}, editor = {Betty Chang and Rogerio de Lemos and David Garlan}, }