@article{10717, author = {Aslak Tveito and Glenn Lines and Robert Artebrant and Ola Skavhaug and Molly Maleckar}, title = {Existence of Excitation Waves for a Collection of Cardiomyocytes Electrically Coupled to Fibroblasts}, abstract = {We consider mathematical models of a collection of cardiomyocytes (myocardial tissue) coupled to a varying number of fibroblasts. Our aim is to understand how conductivity (δ) and fibroblast density (η) affect the stability of the myocardial tissue. We provide mathematical and computational arguments indicating that there is a region of instability in the η-δ space. Mathematical arguments, based on a simplified model of the coupled myocyte-fibroblast system, show that for certain parameter choices, a stationary solution cannot exist. Numerical experiments (1D,2D) are based on a recently developed model of electro-chemical coupling between a human atrial myocyte and a number of associated atrial fibroblasts.}, year = {2011}, journal = {Mathematical Biosciences}, volume = {230}, pages = {79-86}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi = {10.1016/j.mbs.2011.01.004}, }