@article{10809, author = {Frank Johnsen and Trude Hafs{\o}e and Anders Eggen and Carsten Griwodz and P{\r a}l Halvorsen}, title = {Web Services Discovery Across Heterogeneous Military Networks}, abstract = {NATO has identified web services standards as a key enabler for interoperability between the different military systems used by various NATO nations. Compared to many civilian systems, mil- itary networks vary greatly in terms of comput- ing resources, network bandwidth, mobility and stability, and distributed applications use several different networks concurrently or interact across them. In such dynamic and heterogeneous environments, runtime service discovery is a necessity. According to the W3C, {\textquotedblleft}discovery is the act of locating a machine-processable description of a Web service-related resource that may have been previously unknown and that meets certain functional criteria.{\textquotedblright} In this article we present our approach to service discovery, where we combine web services standards and proprietary solutions using our prototype inter- operability gateway. This approach has been experimentally evaluated in a military experi- ment featuring both mobile ad hoc networks and fixed infrastructure networks, and the results show that transparent discovery between propri- etary solutions and web services discovery stan- dards can be achieved.}, year = {2010}, journal = {IEEE Communications Magazine}, volume = {48}, number = {10}, pages = {84-90}, }