@misc{13237, author = {David Hayes and Ing-Jyh Tsang and David Ros and Andreas Petlund and Bob Briscoe}, title = {Internet Latency: Causes, Solutions and Trade-offs}, abstract = {This paper is a digest of [1], an extensive survey discussing the merits of over 300 techniques for reducing Internet latency. It gives a broad overview of the causes, solutions, and trade-offs involved in reducing latency in the Internet. The overview covers key sources of delays and proposed solutions: due to the structural arrangement of the network, how network end-points interact, along the end-to-end path, related to link capacities, within end-hosts, and those that address multiple sources. Trade-offs are discussed in terms of the latency reduction different techniques provide versus their deployability}, year = {2015}, journal = {EuCNC Special session on latency}, month = {05/2015}, url = {https://riteproject.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/p548-hayes.pdf}, }