@misc{13304, keywords = {Testbed, Experimentation, OpenAirInterface}, author = {Mahesh Marina}, title = {On the Role of Experimental Research in the Evolution of Mobile Networks}, abstract = {In this talk, I will reflect on the limited role that experimental studies from the research community have played in the evolution of mobile networks. I will use efficient use of available spectrum as an example to illustrate this point. Then I will present the OpenAirInterface (OAI) platform created by Eurecom as a vehicle for changing the status quo. I will finally outline a few emerging research directions towards 5G and how they can benefit from prototyping and experimentation with an open and flexible platform like OAI.}, year = {2015}, journal = {Proceedings of the 3rd International NorNet Users Workshop (NNUW-3)}, month = {08/2015}, publisher = {Simula Research Laboratory}, address = {Fornebu, Akershus/Norway}, }