@misc{13609, author = {Massimo Fornasier and Valeriya Naumova and Sergei Pereverzyev V}, title = {Multi-Parameter Regularization and High-Dimensional Learning}, abstract = {Making accurate predictions is a crucial factor in many systems. The situation encountered in real-life applications is to have only at disposal incomplete/ rough high-dimensional data, andextracting predictive model from them is an impossible task unless one relies on some a-priori knowledg of properties of expected model. Toovercome these fundamental challenges, we incorporate additional information through optimization by means of multiparameterregularization. The main goals of the proposed minisymposium are to set up a new agenda and give a new impulse to the cooperation betweenapproximation and regularization theories within the intrinsic uncertainty of learning process for real-life data.}, year = {2014}, publisher = {SIAM Uncertainty Quantification}, address = {Savannah, USA}, url = {https://www.siam.org/meetings/uq14/uq14_program.pdf}, note = {Co-organizer of the minisymposium}, }