@misc{13966, keywords = {latency, Internet, Transport}, author = {Bob Briscoe and Andreas Petlund and Iffat Ahmed}, title = {Internet Latency}, abstract = {This video gives an introduction into the biggest sources of Internet latency and emphasizes the difference between bandwidth and latency. Take the quiz: https://play.kahoot.it/$\#$/?quizId=97bf1699-52a1-41ae-afb3-58db115713de Educational material related to the video, including activities and fact sheet, can be found here: http://riteproject.eu/internet-latency/ Art and animations were made by Joachim Barrum: http://joachimart.com/ Audio design and music selection by Gunleik Groven: http://blog.gunleik.com The voiceover were made by Matin{\'e}e Multilingual: http://www.matinee.co.uk/}, year = {2014}, publisher = {Reducing Internet Transport Latency}, address = {YouTube / RITE Website}, url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1a-eMF9xdY}, }