@misc{14277, keywords = {Uncertainty, Model-based Testing, Search-Based Testing, Cyber-Physical System}, author = {Shaukat Ali}, title = {Model-Driven Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems with the Explicit Consideration of Uncertainty}, abstract = {It is a well-recognized fact that Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) face both known and unknown uncertainty during their operation. This demands the development of testing techniques that must take into account known uncertainty both in the CPS and its environment with the final goal of discovering unknown uncertainty against which the CPS can be tested. Eventually, the implementation of the CPS can be improved to shield it against the newly discovered uncertainty. In this presentation, we will present some of the results that we have achieved in an EU Horizon2020 project (U-Test) in this regard. We, first, demonstrate the modeling of test ready models of CPSs together with subjective uncertainty using the Uncertainty Modeling Framework. Second, we present two uncertainty-based test case generation and four test case minimization techniques relying on the test ready models founded on Uncertainty theory and multi-objective search. Third, we present the evaluation of the test case generation and minimization techniques that was conducted to select the best strategy to be used in the practice to test a real CPS. Fourth, we present the results of testing a real CPS with the selected best strategy.}, year = {2016}, journal = {MPM4CPS WG meetings in Malaga, Spain, 24-25 November 2016}, }