@misc{14346, keywords = {jupyter, notebook, jupyterhub}, author = {Benjamin Ragan-Kelley and Project Jupyter}, title = {JupyterHub: Deploying Jupyter Notebooks for students and researchers}, abstract = {Since the Jupyter notebook is a web-based environment, the notebook server can be run remotely, not just on your local machine. JupyterHub is a multi-user server, aimed at helping research groups and instructors host notebook servers for their users or students. By default, JupyterHub uses the local system users and PAM authentication, but it can be customized to use any authentication system, including GitHub, CILogon, Shibboleth, and more. The way single-user servers are spawned can also be customized to use services such as Docker, Kubernetes, or HPC cluster queuing systems. The tutorial will cover a basic deployment of JupyterHub on a single machine, then extending it to use docker and GitHub authentication, as well as general best practices for JupyterHub deployment.}, year = {2016}, journal = {JupyterDay Orsay}, url = {http://reseau-loops.github.io/journee_2016_12_jupyter.html}, }