@misc{14641, author = {Martin Aln{\ae}s and Vidar Fauske and Benjamin Ragan-Kelley}, title = {3D visualization in Jupyter Notebooks}, abstract = {As part of the OpenDreamKit project (www.opendreamkit.org), weare working on improving the state of 3D visualization in JupyterNotebooks (www.jupyter.org).Jupyter Notebooks run from a web browser based user interface and candisplay anything a browser can display, which includes interactivejavascript widgets and GPU accelerated 3D graphics throughWebGL. These fundamental technologies have now matured somewhat andreached widespread support, including mobile targets.The last couple of years a number of visualization projects havestarted to explore this area, including established projects such asVTK, Paraview and MayaVi, as well as newer smaller projects such asipyvolume, k3d-jupyter, SciviJS, and unray the latter three being initiativesfrom the OpenDreamKit project.In this talk we will present our current work on this front, andinvite you as users and developers of FEniCS to provide your opinionson which future directions of this project that would be useful toyou.}, year = {2017}, journal = {FEniCS{\textquoteright}17, Luxembourg}, }