@misc{15152, keywords = {Image processing, Machine Leanring, classification}, author = {Mathias Kirker{\o}d and Vajira Thambawita and Michael Riegler and P{\r a}l Halvorsen}, title = {Using preprocessing as a tool in medical image detection}, abstract = {In this paper, we describe our approach to gastrointestinal disease classification for the medico task at MediaEval 2018. We propose multiple ways to inpaint problematic areas in the test and training set to help with classification. We discuss the effect that preprocessing does to the input data with respect to removing regions with sparse information. We also discuss how preprocessing affects the training and evaluation of a dataset that is limited in size. We will also compare the different inpainting methods with transfer learning using a convolutional neural network.}, year = {2018}, journal = {MediaEval 2018}, month = {10/2018}, publisher = {MediaEval}, address = {Nice, France}, }