@misc{15747, author = {Federico Tonini and Carla Raffaelli and Steinar Bj{\o}rnstad and David Chen and Raimena Veisllari}, title = {A Traffic Pattern Adaptive Mechanism to Bound Packet Delay and Delay Variation in 5G Fronthaul}, abstract = {A novel packet-based adaptive mechanism forbounding delay and delay variation in 5G Ethernet fronthaul isproposed. The mechanism enables aggregation of asynchronoustraffic from fronthaul links using a traffic pattern adaptationalgorithm. Traffic of a first stream is added in time-gaps of asecond stream. For bounding and balancing the packet delay anddelay variation between the streams, the size of the requiredtime-gap before insertion is made adaptive. Simulation resultsdemonstrate that through suitable tuning of the algorithm parameters,packet delay and delay variation below 10 microsecondscan be achieved.}, year = {2019}, journal = {2019 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC)}, pages = {416-420}, publisher = {IEEE}, }