@article{15782, keywords = {Internet, SCTP, Protocol Testing, DCCP, UDP-Lite, NAT}, author = {Runa Barik and Michael Welzl and Gorry Fairhurst and Thomas Dreibholz and Ahmed Elmokashfi and Stein Gjessing}, title = {On the Usability of Transport Protocols other than TCP: A Home Gateway and Internet Path Traversal Study}, abstract = {Network APIs are moving towards protocol agility, where applications express their needs but not a static protocol binding, and it is up to the layer below the API to choose a suitable protocol. The IETF Transport Services (TAPS) Working Group is standardizing a protocol-independent transport API and offering guidance to implementers. Apple{\textquoteright}s recent {\textquotedblleft}Network.framework{\textquotedblright} is specifically designed to allow such late and dynamic binding of protocols. When the network stack autonomously chooses and configures a protocol, it must first test which protocols are locally available and which work end-to-end ({\textquotedblleft}protocol racing{\textquotedblright}). For this, it is important to know the set of available options, and which protocols should be tried first: Does it make sense to offer unchecked payload delivery, as with UDP-Lite? Is a UDP-based protocol like QUIC always a better choice, or should native SCTP be tried? This paper develops answers to such questions via (i) a NAT study in a local testbed, (ii) bidirectional Internet tests, (iii) a large scale Internet measurement campaign. The examined protocols are: SCTP, DCCP, UDP-Lite, UDP with a zero checksum and three different UDP encapsulations.}, year = {2020}, journal = {Computer Networks}, volume = {173}, month = {05/2020}, publisher = {Elsevier}, issn = {1389-1286}, doi = {10.1016/j.comnet.2020.107211}, }