@misc{15836, keywords = {Testbed, OpenAirInterface, Network Function Virtualisation (NFV), Virtual Network Function (VNF), Evolved Packet Core (EPC), Open Source MANO (OSM)}, author = {Thomas Dreibholz}, title = {A 4G/5G Packet Core as VNF with Open Source MANO and OpenAirInterface}, abstract = {5G, the fifth generation of mobile broadband networks, is going to make a large range of new applications possible. However, further research is necessary, and the basic step, i.e. setting up a 4G/5G testbed infrastructure, is a complicated and error-prone task. In this abstract and poster, we introduce our open source SimulaMet EPC Virtual Network Function (VNF), as an easy way to set up a 4G/5G testbed based on Open Source MANO and OpenAirInterface. We would like to showcase how a researcher can use our VNF as part of his own research testbed setup. Therefore, the focus is particularly on the user interface details and features of the SimulaMet EPC VNF.}, year = {2020}, journal = {Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks~(SoftCOM)}, month = {09/2020}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Hvar, Dalmacija/Croatia}, }