@misc{15886, keywords = {Network Function Virtualisation (NFV), Open Source MANO (OSM), Cloud Radio Access Network (Cloud-RAN), Ethernet Xhaul, Functional Splits, Fronthaul}, author = {Andr{\'e}s Ocampo and Thomas Dreibholz and Mah-rukh Fida and Ahmed Elmokashfi and Haakon Bryhni}, title = {Integrating Cloud-RAN with Packet Core as VNF Using Open Source MANO and OpenAirInterface}, abstract = {The Cloud-based Radio Access Network (Cloud-RAN) architecture and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) are key enablers to building future mobile networks in a flexible and cost-efficient way. With early deployments of the fifth generation of mobile technologies - 5G - around the world, setting up 4G/5G experimental infrastructures is necessary to optimally design 5G networks. In this demo, we present a custom small-scale 4G/5G testbed based on OpenAirInterface and Open Source MANO. The testbed integrates a Cloud-RAN based on switched Ethernet Xhaul and functional splitting, with an Evolved Packet Core (EPC) deployed as a Virtual Network Function (VNF) in a cloud infrastructure. Using Open Source MANO, this demo shows the administration and monitoring of the EPC VNF components. Moreover, as proof of concept, collection and visualization of telemetry will be shown for two smart-phones connected to the network through the Cloud-RAN.}, year = {2020}, journal = {Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks~(LCN)}, month = {11/2020}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Sydney, New South Wales/Australia}, }