@misc{16081, keywords = {Cloud computing, jupyter, jupyterhub}, author = {Benjamin Ragan-Kelley}, title = {The cloud is the limit: scaling limits of JupyterHub}, abstract = {JupyterHub began as a strictly scoped project for "small-scale" Jupyter deployments. Times change. With increasing pressure to scale JupyterHub to ever larger deployments, the current architecture is reaching its limits. See an overview of the current factors limiting JupyterHub{\textquoteright}s scale what would need to change to make JupyterHub truly scalable.}, year = {2020}, month = {10/2020}, address = {JupyterCon}, url = {https://cfp.jupytercon.com/2020/schedule/presentation/223/the-cloud-is-the-limit-scaling-limits-of-jupyterhub/}, }