@misc{16113, author = {Vajira Thambawita and Steven Hicks and P{\r a}l Halvorsen and Michael Riegler}, title = {DivergentNets: Medical Image Segmentation by Network Ensemble}, abstract = {Detection of colon polyps has become a trending topic in the intersecting fields of machine learning and gastrointestinal endoscopy. The focus has mainly been on per-frame classification. More recently, polyp segmentation has gained attention in the medical community. Segmentation has the advantage of being more accurate than per-frame classification or object detection as it can show the affected area in greater detail. For our contribution to the EndoCV 2021 segmentation challenge, we propose two separate approaches. First, a segmentation model named TriUNet composed of three separate UNet models. Second, we combine TriUNet with an ensemble of well-known segmentation models, namely UNet++, FPN, DeepLabv3, and DeepLabv3+, into a model called DivergentNets to produce more generalizable medical image segmentation masks. In addition, we propose a modified Dice loss that calculates loss only for a single class when performing multi-class segmentation, forcing the model to focus on what is most important. Overall, the proposed methods achieved the best average scores for each respective round in the challenge, with TriUNet being the winning model in Round I and DvergentNets being the winning model in Round II of the segmentation generalization challenge at EndoCV 2021}, year = {2021}, journal = {EndoCV}, }