@misc{16148, author = {E{\~n}aut Mendiluze and Shaukat Ali and Paolo Arcaini and Tao Yue}, title = {Muskit: A Mutation Analysis Tool for Quantum Software Testing}, abstract = {Given that quantum software testing is a new area of research, there is a lack of benchmark programs and bug repositories to assess the effectiveness of testing techniques. To this end, quantum mutation analysis focuses on systematically generating faulty versions of Quantum Programs (QPs), called mutants, using mutation operators. Such mutants can be used as benchmarks to assess the quality of test cases in a test suite. Thus, we present muskit -- a quantum mutation analysis tool for QPs coded in IBM{\textquoteright}s Qiskit language. muskit defines mutation operators on gates of QPs and selection criteria to reduce the number of mutants to generate. Moreover, it allows for the execution of test cases on mutants and the generation of results for test analyses. muskit is provided as a command-line interface, GUI, and web application. We validated muskit by using it to generate and execute mutants for four QPs.}, year = {2021}, publisher = {Technical Report, Simula Research Laboratory}, }