@misc{16315, author = {Audun Stolpe and Jo Hannay and Amanda Hughes and Fiona McNeill and Christopher Zobel}, title = {On the Adaptive Delegation and Sequencing of Actions}, abstract = {Information systems support to crisis response and management relies on presenting actionable information in a manner that supports cognitive processes. We outline how AI Planning can be used viably to support the delegation and sequencing of tasks, using standard operating procedures as initial specifications of plans. When expressed in the AI planning language Answer set Programming (ASP), machine reasoning can be used in a pre-incident review to display the cooperative structure inherent in a plan. The purpose of this is to uncover weaknesses and to optimize the plan. Further, adaptive planning can be supported in during-incident reviews by updating the current status and recomputing the consequences. At this point, initial goals may no longer be viable and the explicit suggestion of prior sub-optimal goals now worth pursuing can be a game-changer under stress.}, year = {2021}, journal = {Proceedings of the 18th Int{\textquoteright}l Conf. Information on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM{\textendash}-AI and Intelligent Systems for Crises and Risks}, month = {2021}, publisher = {International Association for Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management}, }