@misc{16770, keywords = {Distribution, blockchain, Data, Fog, ICN, Protection}, author = {Somnath Mazumdar and Thomas Dreibholz}, title = {Towards a Blockchain and Fog-Based Proactive Data Distribution Framework for ICN}, abstract = {Most of today{\textquoteright}s IP traffic is cloud traffic. Due to a vast, complex and non-transparent Internet infrastructure, securely accessing and delegating data is not a trivial task. Existing technologies of Information-Centric Networking (ICN) make content distribution and access easy while primarily relying on the existing cloud-based security features. The primary aim of ICN is to make data independent of its storage location and application. ICN builds upon traditional distributed computing, which means ICN platforms also can suffer from similar data security issues as distributed computing platforms. We present our ongoing work to develop a secure, proactive data distribution framework. The framework answers the research question, i.e., How to extend online data protection with a secure data distribution model for the ICN platform? Our framework adds a data protection layer over the content distribution network, using blockchain and relying on the fog to distribute the contents with low latency. Our framework is different from the existing works in multiple aspects, such as i) data are primarily distributed from the fog nodes, ii) blockchain is used to protect data and iii) blockchain allows statistical and other information sharing among stakeholders (such as content creators) following access rights. Sharing statistics about content distribution activity can bring transparency and trustworthiness among the stakeholders, including the subscribers, into the ICN platforms. We showed such a framework is possible by presenting initial performance results and our reflections while implementing it on a cloud/fog research testbed.}, year = {2022}, journal = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies~(PDCAT)}, address = {Sendai/Japan}, }