@article{16901, author = {Catharina Drejer and Michael Riegler and Miriam Johnson and P{\r a}l Halvorsen and Gunn Baugerud}, title = {Live Streaming Technology and Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - A Scoping Review}, abstract = {Livestreaming of child sexual abuse is an established form of online child sexual exploitationand abuse. However, only a limited body of research has examined this issue. The Covid-19pandemic has accelerated internet use and user knowledge of livestreaming servicesemphasising the importance of understanding this crime. In this scoping review, existingliterature was brought together through an iterative search of eight databases containing peer-reviewed journal articles, as well as grey literature. Records were eligible for inclusion if theprimary focus was on livestream technology and online child sexual exploitation and abuse,the child being defined as eighteen years or younger. Fourteen of the 2,218 records wereselected. The data were charted and divided into four categories: victims, offenders,legislation, and technology. Limited research, differences in terminology, study design, andpopulation inclusion criteria present a challenge to drawing general conclusions on thecurrent state of livestreaming of child sexual abuse. The records show that victims arepredominantly female. The average livestream offender was found to be older than theaverage online child sexual abuse offender. Therefore, it is unclear whether the findings arerepresentative of the global population of livestream offenders. Furthermore, there appears tobe a gap in what the records show on platforms and payment services used and current digitaltrends. The lack of a legal definition and privacy considerations pose a challenge toinvestigation, detection, and prosecution. The available data allow some insights into apotentially much larger issue.}, year = {2023}, journal = {Trauma, Violence, \& Abuse}, publisher = {SAGE Publications}, }