@article{17123, author = {Ana Budisa and Xiaozhe Hu and Miroslav Kuchta and Kent-Andre Mardal and Ludmil Zikatanov}, title = {Algebraic multigrid methods for metric-perturbed coupled problems}, abstract = {We develop multilevel methods for interface-driven multiphysics problems that can be coupled across dimensions and where complexity and strength of the interface coupling deteriorates the performance of standard methods. We focus on solvers based on aggregation-based algebraic multigrid methods with custom smoothers that preserve the coupling information on each coarse level. We prove that with the proper choice of subspace splitting we obtain uniform convergence in discretization and physical parameters in the two-level setting. Additionally, we show parameter robustness and scalability with regards to number of the degrees of freedom of the system on several numerical examples related to the biophysical processes in the brain, namely the electric signalling in excitable tissue modeled by bidomain, EMI and reduced EMI equations.}, year = {2023}, journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.}, publisher = {SIAM}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.06073}, }