@misc{17197, keywords = {risk analysis, MANRS, ISO27001}, author = {Jan Evang and Ioana Livadariu}, title = {How Large Is the Gap? Exploring MANRS and ISO27001 Security Management}, abstract = {Ensuring security of network traffic between op- erators is very important. This paper aims to enhance un- derstanding of the relationship between two crucial internet security standards, namely, Mutual Agreed Norms for Rout- ing Security (MANRS) and ISO/IEC 27001 (ISO27001). By examining the correlation between MANRS participation and ISO27001 certification, this study provides insightful analysis. To validate compliance, data from diverse sources such as CAIDA, PeeringDB, and RPKI is correlated. We assess ISO27001 controls that bear relevance to MANRS compliance and illustrate how implementing either framework leads to a reduced risk of security breaches. Moreover, a cost analysis reveals that the simultaneous implementation of MANRS and ISO27001 does not significantly increase costs or complexity.}, year = {2023}, journal = {The 31st International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2023)}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Split, Croatia}, }