@misc{17201, keywords = {resource management, Privacy, Cloud, Data, Fog, Message}, author = {Somnath Mazumdar and Thomas Dreibholz}, title = {Towards A Data Privacy-Aware Execution Zone Creation on Cloud/Fog Platform}, abstract = {Cloud computing is now a {\textquoteleft}go-to{\textquoteright} platform for running various types of application. A wide spectrum of users needing software and hardware resources have embraced the cloud. Following the cloud business model, one is either a cloud-based service provider or a cloud service (hardware and software) user. There is a continuous evolution in the cloud ecosystem to support the ever-changing features of user applications. The cloud ecosystem has added a new resource delegation model to accommodate such new requirements. This new resource delegation model is known as fog. Both cloud and fog platforms employ complex hardware and software to provide better run-time support for applications. This paper presents a message-based privacy-aware application execution zone management framework for the cloud/fog platform. The framework aims to create a static execution zone based on the performance of the user application and the data privacy requirements. It also enables the user to set the resource termination conditions. Here, we have prototyped the proposed framework and showed how the proposed approach works with message structure and experiments with the P4 switch. We also present how the prototype could be implemented on a cloud/fog platform.}, year = {2023}, journal = {Proceedings of the 49th Euromicro Conference Series on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA)}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Durr{\"e}s/Albania}, }