@misc{17204, keywords = {Optimization, Traffic Counter, Stoppage time}, author = {Aditi Gajurel and Sushant Gautam and Aryasupurna Timalsina and Barsha Pandey}, title = {Real Time-Based Smart Traffic Light System With Its Simulation Using 8051 Microcontroller}, abstract = {The street lighting system is based upon the electronic controller that utilizes the traffic density survey data. Anandroid mobile app was developed for this purpose. Data was collected and analyzed at different busy junctions of Kathmandu Valley. The app maintained a database record of each vehicles type that enter in the system and simultaneously records the time they enter the junction. The data gives an insight into the number of vehicles entering the junction and the time required for them to cross it. This is helpful to calculate the stoppage time which was programmed into the system for optimized and efficient traffic management.}, year = {2018}, journal = {KEC Conference}, volume = {1}, month = {2018}, url = {https://kec.edu.np/real-time-based-smart-traffic-light-system-with-its-simulation-using-8051-microcontroller/}, }