@misc{17205, author = {Sushant Gautam and Nirdesh Bhattarai and Bal Nyaupane and Ram Rimal and Bharat Mandal and Nanda Adhikari}, title = {Motion sensing and ageing prediction of the Kupondole-Thapathali Bagmati bridge using Machine Learning and Time-series analysis}, abstract = {This project, for the first time in its nature, introduces a new research paradigm of remote motion sensing for health monitoring of civil construction in the public safety domain in Nepal. Preliminary data from a piloting study from BRB encourages us to move forward with an ageing analysis of such civil structures. Students from DoECE at IOE, Pulchowk Campus will collaborate to test network configurations and hardware types. One such configuration will be a Master/Slave configuration over Raspberry Pi Server with Bluetooth 5.0 and multiple Arduino BLE Kits. The data collected will create an opportunity to study vehicle mobility and its impact on the bridge as well as over other multiple domains which we are very open for collaborations.}, year = {2020}, journal = {Motion sensing and ageing prediction of the Kupondole-Thapathali Bagmati bridge using Machine Learning and Time-series analysis}, publisher = {Student Research Symposium on Earthquake}, address = {Kathmandu, Nepal}, url = {https://rgdoi.net/10.13140/RG.2.2.31727.18089}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.31727.18089}, }