@misc{17213, keywords = {Internet, Measurement, HiPerConTracer, Traceroute, Tools, Round-Trip Time}, author = {Thomas Dreibholz}, title = {A Live Demonstration of HiPerConTracer 2.0}, abstract = {HiPerConTracer is an open source tool for large-scale, long-term, high-frequency Ping and Traceroute measurements. Using such measurements, it is possible to obtain information about latency in the network, as well as about the actual routing. This proposed live demo provides an overview over the tool and its features, as well as an introduction of how to use it for performing measurements, storing the results, querying selected results, and post-processing them for visualisation.}, year = {2023}, journal = {Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM)}, month = {09/2023}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Split/Croatia}, }