@misc{17279, keywords = {survey, artificial intelligence, Public sector, Digitalization, ChatGPT, Generative AI}, author = {Leif Knutsen and Jose Pat{\'o}n-Romero and Jo Hannay and Sinan Tanilkan}, title = {A Survey on the Perception of Opportunities and Limitations of Generative AI in the Public Sector}, abstract = {Recent breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have increased the interest in applications of AI in general and Generative AI in particular. This interest is manifest in public debate on the promise and limitations of AI in various sectors, but also on the risks of relying upon such technology. However, little is known about the interest in and perceptions of Generative AI among Information Technology (IT) professionals likely to take responsibility for developing and implementing AI-based solutions in the public sector. We present findings from a survey we developed (with help from ChatGPT) and conducted among IT practitioners in the Norwegian public sector. Through this survey, we investigated how opportunities and limitations of the use Generative AI were perceived and understood. We found ambivalent attitudes: while the interest in Generative AI is high, the level of perceived knowledge is low; there is considerable optimism about the value of AI, but an equivalent level of concern about threats this technology represents; and although respondents suspected AI had helped generate the survey, they found the survey questions relevant and fully context-oriented. These findings provide background and context for further research into the adoption of AI and help practitioners establish a baseline for efforts to build and manage AI-based solutions in public institutions.}, year = {2023}, journal = {2nd World Conference on Information Systems for Business Management (ISBM 2023)}, month = {09/2023}, publisher = {Springer}, }