@misc{17323, author = {Alfred Arouna and Ioana Livadariu and Azan Khanyari and Ahmed Elmokashfi}, title = {On Large-scale IP service Disruptions Dependencies}, abstract = {Large part of the human activities has become digitalized as many of the daily activities rely on the Internet. However, this critical infrastructure is subject to disruption that can be caused by malicious actors or misconfiguration. Network operators are expected to implement community driven best-practices that contribute to the Internet{\textquoteright}s resilience. In practice many operators fail to implement them due to the high complexity of these tasks. Consequently, large-scale disruption of IP services can impact numerous customers through a cascading effect. In this work, we assess how three major Internet disruption impact their connectivity. We found that these disruptions cascade from the affected operators towards large part of their customers. However, customers that follow best practices have a short recovery time and rely on rerouted paths through a myriad of topologically close backups links.}, year = {2023}, journal = {International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM)}, address = {International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM)}, }