@misc{17637, keywords = {blockchain, Smart Contracts, Investigation, Detection Methods, Security vulnerabilities}, author = {Jingqi Zhang and Xin Zhang and Zhaojun Liu and Fa Fu and Jianyu Nie and Jianqiang Huang and Thomas Dreibholz}, title = {A Survey of Security Vulnerabilities and Detection Methods for Smart Contracts}, abstract = {At present, smart contracts cannot guarantee absolute security, and they have exposed many security issues and caused incalculable losses. Due to the existence of these security vulnerabilities, researchers have designed many detection and classification tools to identify and discover them. In this article, we present a classification of smart contract security vulnerabilities based on a large number of detailed articles. Then, we introduce the latest smart contract vulnerability detection methods, summarize the process model of detection tools based on artificial intelligence methods, and compare and analyze various detection tools. Finally, we provide an outlook on future research directions based on the current status of smart contract security.}, year = {2023}, journal = {13th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks (CENet)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wuxi, Jiangsu/People{\textquoteright}s Republic of China}, }