@misc{17661, author = {Matthias Boeker and Cise Midoglu}, title = {Soccer Athlete Data Visualization and Analysis with an Interactive Dashboard}, abstract = {Soccer is among the most popular and followed sports in the world. As its popularity increases, it becomes highly professionalized. Even though research on soccer makes up for a big part in classic sports science, there is a greater potential for applied research in digitalization and data science. In this work we present SoccerDashboard, a user-friendly, interactive, modularly designed and extendable dashboard for the analysis of health and performance data from soccer athletes, which is open-source and publicly accessible over the Internet for coaches, players and researchers from fields such as sports science and medicine. We demonstrate a number of the applications of this dashboard on the recently released SoccerMon dataset from Norwegian elite female soccer players. SoccerDashboard can simplify the analysis of soccer datasets with complex data structures, and serve as a reference implementation for multidisciplinary studies spanning various fields, as well as increase the level of scientific dialogue between professional soccer institutions and researchers.}, year = {2023}, journal = {MultiMedia Modeling. MMM 2023}, volume = {LNCS, volume 13833}, pages = {565-576}, publisher = {Springer Link}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-27077-2_44}, }