@inproceedings{17726, author = {Mai-Sissel Linl{\o}kken and Sondre Vigane and Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Meyer and Claes H{\"o}gstr{\"o}m and Petter J{\o}lstad and Helge Spieker and Sebastien Guillaume and Sindre Hoholm and Fabian Wolfsperger and Matthias Gilgien}, title = {A Biomechanical Analysis of how Athlete Behavior and Equivalent Fall Height Affect Landing Stability for Skiers and Snowboarders in a World Cup Big Air Competition}, year = {2024}, journal = {Joint Conference 25th International Congress on Snow Sport Trauma and Safety - 38th Congress of the International Society for Snowsports Medicine (ISSS)}, url = {https://irp.cdn-website.com/92a28573/files/uploaded/ISSS2024-book\%20of\%20abstracts_final.pdf$\#$\%5B\%7B\%22num\%22\%3A390\%2C\%22gen\%22\%3A0\%7D\%2C\%7B\%22name\%22\%3A\%22FitH\%22\%7D\%2C846\%5D}, }