@proceedings{17903, author = {Steven Hicks and Andrea Stor{\r a}s and P{\r a}l Halvorsen and Michael Riegler and Vajira Thambawita}, title = {Overview of ImageCLEFmedical 2024 {\textendash} Medical Visual Question Answering for Gastrointestinal Tract}, abstract = {This paper provides details on the second edition of the MedVQA-GI challenge, which took place during ImageCLEF 2024. This year, we changed the task from visual question answering to the application of text-to-image models for the creation of synthetic medical images. There were two sub-tasks in this challenge. The first sub-task involved using prompts to generate realistic looking images from the gastrointestinal tract. The second sub-task focused on the technical aspects involved in the implementation of these models, and optimizing the prompts to generate realistic-looking images using a low number of tokens. Despite considerable interest in the task, the rate of submissions remained low, suggesting that participants may have encountered barriers or found the task too complex to complete.}, year = {2024}, journal = {CLEF 2024 Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum}, month = {08/2024}, publisher = {CEUR}, }