@misc{9127, keywords = {Conference}, author = {Marius Tenn{\o}e and Espen Helgedagsrud and Mikkel N{\ae}ss and Henrik Alstad and H{\r a}kon Stensland and Vamsidhar Gaddam and Dag Johansen and Carsten Griwodz and P{\r a}l Halvorsen}, title = {Efficient Implementation and Processing of a Real-Time Panorama Video Pipeline}, abstract = {High resolution, wide field of view video generated from multiple camera feeds has many use cases. However, processing the different steps of a panorama video pipeline in real-time is challenging due to the high data rates and the stringent requirements of timeliness. We use panorama video in a sport analysis system where video events must be generated in real-time. In this respect, we present a system for real-time panorama video generation from an array of low-cost CCD HD video cameras. We describe how we have implemented different components and evaluated alternatives. We also present performance results with and without co- processors like graphics processing units (GPUs), and we evaluate each individual component and show how the entire pipeline is able to run in real-time on commodity hardware.}, year = {2013}, journal = {IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2013)}, pages = {76-83}, publisher = {IEEE}, }