@misc{9245, author = {Martin Wilhelmsen and H{\r a}kon Stensland and Vamsidhar Gaddam and P{\r a}l Halvorsen and Carsten Griwodz}, title = {Performance and Application of the NVIDIA NVENC H.264 Encoder}, abstract = {This poster describes the delivery pipeline in the Bagadus soccer analysis system. The delivery pipeline takes a real-time stitched panorama video, and generates a personal virtual camera that can be controlled by the clients (end-users). An important component in this pipeline is the H.264 encoding of the personalized virtual view before delivery. By using Nvidia{\textquoteright}s NVENC hardware encoder, we are able to maintain the same visual quality as the software x264 encoder with a reduction in both CPU utilization and encode latency.}, year = {2014}, journal = {GPU Technology Conference 2014}, month = {03/2014}, publisher = {Nvidia}, url = {http://on-demand.gputechconf.com/gtc/2014/poster/pdf/P4188_real-time_panorama_video_NVENC.pdf}, }