@misc{9369, author = {Amela Karahasanovic and Dag Sj{\o}berg and Magne J{\o}rgensen}, title = {Data Collection in Software Engineering Experiments}, abstract = {This paper presents ongoing work on developing a mechanism for automatic data collection during software engineering experiments. The importance of experiments in software engineering can hardly be overemphasised. Conducting such experiments raises the challenge of efficient and reliable data collection and analysis. During the experiment subjects (students, experienced programmers, etc.) perform tasks on the software engineering artefacts (e.g., design documents and code) using the technology under study in the given context (e.g. operating system). We are typically interested in data concerning subjects, their interaction with the technology and context, and changes of the software engineering artefacts. To conduct a series of experiments on software engineering technology (methods and tools), we envisage an experimental environment for data collection and analysis. As a first step, we have developed a logging mechanism that collects data about subjects of the experiment and their usage of the technology under study. We believe that our logging mechanism will alleviate data collection and increase the validity of experiments.}, year = {2001}, journal = {Managing Information Technology in a Global Economy, Information Resources Management Association International Conference IRMA 2001, Software Engineering Track}, pages = {1027-1028}, month = {May 20 - 23}, publisher = {Idea Group Publishing}, address = {Toronto, Ontario Canada}, }