@misc{9573, author = {Francisco Torres-Rojas and Aiko Yamashita and Santiago Corrales}, title = {Is Action Research the Path to a Solid Research Culture in IS/SE for Costa Rica?}, abstract = {In Latin America there is a visible evidence of lack of research initiatives and a strong disassociation between Academia and Industry in the areas of Information Systems and Software Engineering. Despite the potential of Latin America, such situations hinder the opportunity to build up the required knowledge in order to participate competitively in the international market, holding back the possibility of a technology-based economy in these countries. We propose action research as a flexible and plausible research schema for bridging the gaps between Academia and Industry and at the same time promoting a research culture in Latin America (more specifically in the Costa Rican context), considering the current needs of the Industry and the current directions that have been taken by the Academia for performing research in Information Systems and Software Engineering.}, year = {2007}, journal = {33rd Latin American Conference on Informatics}, month = {October}, publisher = {CLEI}, isbn = {ISBN 978-9968-9678-9-1}, editor = {Marcelo Jenkins and Manuel Berm{\'u}dez}, }