@misc{9869, author = {Carl Lunde and H{\r a}vard Espeland and H{\r a}kon Stensland and Andreas Petlund and P{\r a}l Halvorsen}, title = {Improving Disk I/O Performance on Linux}, abstract = {The existing Linux disk schedulers are in general efficient, but we have identified two scenarios where we have observed a non-optimal behavior. The first is when an application requires a fixed bandwidth, and the second is when an operation performs a file tree traversal. In this paper, we address both these scenarios and propose solutions which both increase performance.}, year = {2009}, journal = {UpTimes - Proceedings of Linux-Kongress and OpenSolaris Developer Conference 2009}, number = {2}, pages = {61-70}, month = {October}, publisher = {German Unix User Group}, isbn = {978-3-86541-358-1}, editor = {Dirk Wetter}, }